Project THRIVE

Project THRIVE is a multi-year national campaign to create more equitable, inclusive support systems and communities for LGBTQ+ youth. Project THRIVE works to build the skills and capacities of all youth-serving professionals to better meet the needs of LGBTQ+ young people.

Learn more about how to join us by contacting

View our Project THRIVE resources for opportunities for growth and participation

Project THRIVE

Project THRIVE is a collaborative effort on a multi-year national campaign committed to identifying opportunities to increase awareness about and provide resources to address the unmet needs of LGBTQ+ youth for all youth-serving professionals.

Project THRIVE Webinars:

Check out HRCF’s Project THRIVE webinar series featuring monthly topics for youth-serving professionals to better support LGBTQ+ youth. These free monthly offerings and archive of previous offerings provide professional development for educators, counselors, social workers, and other youth-serving professionals.

Project THRIVE Partner LGBTQ+-Inclusive Position Statements and Resolutions

Read different position statements and resolutions from Project THRIVE national partner organizations and affiliates that affirm and support LGBTQ+ youth.

Project THRIVE Monthly Newsletter

Sign up for our monthly newsletter and take a look at past newsletters.

Time to THRIVE Summit

Time to THRIVE is an annual regional summit for educators, counselors, social workers, and other youth-serving professionals to learn how they can create safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments for LGBTQ+ youth and their families.

Visit our Summit Page