Patient and Community Engagement

Patient and Community Engagement

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This criterion is designed to familiarize an organization with best practices, from The Joint Commission and other sources, regarding LGBTQ+ related community engagement. This criterion focuses on community outreach and promotion to let the LGBTQ+ community around your facility know you are a welcoming and affirming facility, working toward LGBTQ+ inclusion.

HEI participants that are designated Leaders in LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality, can use their Leader designation to begin or expand outreach to LGBTQ+ groups and individuals in their service area. The Leader designation signals a strong commitment to LGBTQ+ equity and inclusion, and has been used by many organizations to strengthen community engagement.

To receive credit in the HEI:

There are 13 scored questions in this section. To receive the full 10 points, your facility must have at least 6 of these best practices in place. Facilities with 3 to 5 of these best practices in place will receive a partial score of 5 for this criterion.

Scored best practices include:

LGBTQ+ Community Engagement and Marketing

  • REVISED - Supports/sponsors one or more LGBTQ+ related external community event(s) or initiative(s) in the facility’s service area
  • NEW - Hosts/organizes one or more LGBTQ+ related event(s) or initiative(s) for the broader LGBTQ+ community and/or their LGBTQ+ patients
  • Engages in LGBTQ+ inclusive marketing or advertising to the LGBTQ+ community
  • Includes LGBTQ+ content and/or images in its organic social media posts at least four separate times per year, with at least one post on a transgender-specific topic
  • Have a LGBTQ+ specific logo that is used externally online, in marketing materials, or in other community engagement efforts
  • Have a supplier diversity program includes a demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers (must be evident in public-facing materials)
  • Publicly supported LGBTQ+ equality under the law through acting on local, state, or federal legislation or regulations

Understanding the needs of LGBTQ+ patients and community

  • Patient satisfaction surveys allow patients the option to identify as LGBTQ+
  • Patient satisfaction survey includes specific LGBTQ+ related questions (general discrimination and inclusion questions do not meet the criteria
  • Work with external LGBTQ+ organizations or community members to assess and address LGBTQ+ health needs or concerns
  • Include external LGBTQ+ community member(s) on a governing or community advisory board
  • Support LGBTQ+ health-related academic and/or clinical research
  • Analyze patient satisfaction and/or EHR data with an intersectional LGBTQ+ lens to identify LGBTQ+ health and programmatic needs

HEI Scored Questions

LGBTQ+ Community Engagement and Marketing

Understand the Needs of LGBTQ+ Patients and Community