Religion & Faith Program

People look to their faith as a source of guidance and inspiration – and LGBTQ+ people and our family and friends are no different. The HRC Religion and Faith Program is working to create a world where nobody is forced to choose between who they are or who they love and what they believe.

Thanks in part to this work, more and more faith communities aren’t simply engaging in dialogue around LGBTQ+ equality, they’re leading the conversation. They do this work not in spite of their religious beliefs but because of them.

Religion & Faith Projects

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear "that homosexuality is forbidden by God" is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible. This guide by pastors and Biblical scholars sheds light on some of the assumptions informing many Christian approaches to understanding the Bible.

Coming Home

Everyone deserves to live fully in their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and in their faith and its traditions. To assist in the coming out process, the Religion and Faith Program provides a series of guides for faith leaders and religious individuals.